Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reflection #6

Today as I was driving to school I was listening to a commercial on the radio that was advertising a new smartphone or nook or something. The selling point was that you can sit back and enjoy a latte instead of chasing your toddler around because you can instantly stream his favorite movie and just give it to him to watch. Technology is becoming a band-aid solution to parenting, and if you dont know what to do with them, just stick them in front of a tv and they will take care of themselves. This is only going to perpetuate kids' dependance and need for technology in and out of the classroom. Anyway, it just got me thinking about where we're headed with technology...


  1. Hey Kendra,

    I have thought about the same thing, how today parents allow technology devices to teach their kids. In the old days, parents used to sit down at the dinner table and teach their kids, now days, parents stick their kids on computers and expect them to teach their kids or even entertain them. In a way, it will be scary to see the results of what too much technology is doing to our kids, down the road.

  2. I've heard this advertisement too, and it really bothered me. Instead of parents being encouraged to interact and teach their children, they are encouraged to let them just watch TV, as you said. The advertisement on the radio encourages parents to think that this is the social norm and there is nothing wrong with this picture.
