Monday, October 1, 2012

Reflection #2

I’ve been taking a swing dance performance class over the past month. The instructors created a performance class Dropbox so we would all have the same version of the song we would be performing. They have also used it to uploaded demos of routines that we are working on. As our group works, we can also add small sections of choreography that we finish so everyone in the group can look at it and give feedback during the next class. It has been extremely useful to have that shared resource. Dropbox could also be a useful tool in the classroom, maybe for homework assignments or to upload short video demonstrations to show how to solve equations or graph data…just got me thinking about how I could try to integrate that into my future classroom.


  1. I could definitely see drop box used in the classroom. When I was in band, we used to record our playing tests for a teacher. I could see a music class uploading their tests.

  2. I have only seen dropbox being used for music, I didn't realize all of the things you could easily upload using it. Dropbox would definately be a useful tool for me to use in my classroom for students to turn in homework or for students to share information on a group project.
