Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week #7

I spent some time looking at the Guerrilla Season Book Blog. The students had to post different mock interviews and make book covers for the book they were reading in class. While it wasn’t about math it did give me some ideas about how to use a blog for a math class. I could easily do a similar blog for a topic such as “math in the real world”. Students could create blog posts about things in nature that use math concepts (sunflowers or seashells), interview people who use math as part of their job, or investigate geometry concepts that are used in architecture (like the aesteometry used in the Golden Gate Bridge). That would easily integrate technology into a math classroom while also applying math to outside the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really neat idea. I like how you took an idea from a reading class and then changed it so it could work for a math class, two somewhat unrelated subjects.
