Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Flipped Classroom

I think this flipped classroom is a really interesting concept, but if feels like it would take a lot of work on the teacher's part. I do like the idea of sending some content videos home so students can take them home and watch them as many times as they need to. I don't know how I would feel about completely flipping my classroom because I think that direct instruction is helpful in a math class so students can get their questions answered right away. But for some indivudual lessons it could be beneficial. I'm not completely sold on this idea, but knowing that this is available as a tool for my students is a good thing to keep in mind.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your idea that the flipped classroom idea seems like a lot of work on the teachers part. I think in most school districts this concept would not work. I think this idea of a flipped classroom would only succeed in a classroom where the students come from wealthy families where the kids have stay at home parents. In schools where most families are in poverty, this idea would not work because kids do not have a computer at home.
