Monday, October 22, 2012

Week #9

After reading “Caught on Video”, it gave me few really great ideas about how I could use video in my classroom to help my students. There were three ideas I think would be most helpful to a secondary math classroom.
1. Film important lesson highlights so absent students can review what they missed.- Many students struggle with keeping up with the pace of math classrooms and fall behind after missing even one day of instruction. Having important concepts on video would help because they could see the process and re-watch it as many times as needed.
2. Ask a student to demonstrate how to solve a math problem and capture his exact process (rather than just the answer).- Personally, I find that math is about finding a correct process that makes sense to you, even if it is slightly different than the way your teacher does it. This would help students to understand and explain their process and then they would have a video of it to refer to later if they need to.
3. Never write another long note for a substitute teacher.- Substitutes don’t know where we are in our unit, and they might not even be math teachers. This would help me as well as my students. I could make a short recap video of the previous day for the substitute to show my students what we’ve done and where we’re headed on days that I’m not even there.

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