Friday, October 12, 2012

Reflection #4

I was just going through trying to finish all my comments before this weekend. I don’t have any internet at my apartment, so I have to use the mobile hotspot on my smartphone to get internet on my laptop. Not ideal, but functional. I was just remembering before I got my new phone how I would have to go down the street to Starbucks and steal their free wifi. It was frustrating and inconvenient to have to go there almost every day to get work done. It made me realize that not every student I have is going to have a smartphone, laptop, or even internet outside of school, and that some technology projects could add some stress to their lives, as it did to mine.

1 comment:

  1. That's a very interesting point. It seems like it would create an unfair advantage and maybe even single out the students whose families can't afford computers or internet, etc.
