Monday, September 24, 2012

Reflection #1

Today my sister and I were driving back to campus for class and we were stuck behind a school bus as it pulled over to let off students. As the students got off the bus, I was a little bit shocked to see every single one of them looking down at their cell phones and texting, rather than talking to each other. It hasn’t been that long since I was in junior high like them, but I don’t remember me or my friends being so completely immersed and dependent on technology. At age 13, I didn’t even own a cell phone. While this image made me feel a little bit sad and wish these kids didn’t have iPhones glued to their hands, it also made me realize the importance of technology in education. Kids today are so involved in technology that I have to teach with technology to even have a chance of connecting with them. This class is a great opportunity for me to start thinking about every way I can integrate technology into my lessons so my students will stay engaged and responsive.


1 comment:

  1. Kendra,

    I would feel the same way you did. It is crazy how much attention kids give to technology. It is very different from when we were kids but I guess we just have to get used to it right? As teachers we have to adjust and learn how to use technology the best way we can. Great post!

