Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week #11

Blog Comment -(at the bottom-currently awaiting moderation)

The blog I read was about double-dosing algebra classes. The basic idea is taking students that are struggling and placing them in a second algebra class in addition to the normal algebra class. In the second class, they solve word problems and explain processes to the class. One interesting thing that resulted from this program is that not only did the math scores eventually increase, but ACT verbal scores increased among these students as well. My comment basically stated that even if our students might not use algebra after high school, this program has other benefits and for that purpose alone it is beneficial to the student.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a really interesting concept and can be very useful. I know in high school there are a lot of "filler" electives students take and it makes me wonder how much more beneficial it would be for a student to take a second class in a subject they are struggling in instead of simply a fun easy class to fill out their schedule.
