Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week #12

Teaching with Interactive White Boards was Dr. Marzano article I found. It basically summarized a study involving teachers using or not using interactive white boards. The classrooms that used the white boards to present the information was associated with a 16 percentile point increase in student achievement. One thing I learned is that even though the teachers used the technology, it was not a guarentee that the students would achieve more. The technology had to be integrated with the essential content, rather than the technology and graphics taking the focus away from the actual lesson. Something else that was mentioned was that it is important for teachers to explain why an answer is correct/incorrect when taking polls of student responses. This is something that I could apply in my classroom. I sometimes have a tendancy to acknowledge correct answers and then move on, but that first of all, isn't engaging to students, and second of all, isn't going to help anyone who wasn't correct. Going along with that, what he said about pacing the classroom is also something that would help me to engage more with student responses.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought it was interesting that you should explain why an answer is correct or incorrect. It makes sense though! How else are you going to make sure the kid is not guessing what the answer is or that the other children that didn't answer the question aren't lost.
