Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week #13

Word-typing, spell check, tables, bullets and numbered lists, outlines, subscript and superscript to write equations, inserting symbols and equations
Excel-I don’t use Excel on a regular basis, but I have used it before to make and edit schedules
Power point-slideshow, pictures, different layouts and backgrounds, linking videos to slides
3 projects I could use to help teach students
-Students could use excel to complete a project involving compound interest. By using features in excel they could make a spreadsheet of a mock budget.
-Students could use Powerpoint in the technology project I am already planning to use for this class. They would present geometry theorums and real life examples in a powerpoint presentation.
-Students could use word to complete their IA projects. They would be explaining in words and mathematical language the process of a specific problem. They would use a normal word document but also learn how to use the math tools in word to use exponents or subscript.

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