Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Reflection #10

This weekend me and my friend Melanie we on our way to a dance venue in Capitol Hill for a swing dance event. Neither of us are very familiar with Capitol Hill and Downtown Seattle, so we took one wrong turn. After that one wrong turn we found ourselves completely turned around. We drove around trying to find the right street for about 20 minutes before I realized I had my GPS on my phone. Once I figured that out it only took us a few minutes to get there. I wish I had thought of my technological resources sooner! It was a little embarassing since we were only 2 streets off.


  1. This has happened to me so many times! I used to feel helpless when all I had was MapQuest but now that I have an iPhone, I feel more secure knowing that I have access to help if I need directions fast.

  2. GPS's are so amazing! I don't have a GPS, but some of my friends do, and it is so wonderful to have along whenever we drive somewhere. Like Amanda, it makes me so much more confident to have a GPS handy. It's amazing what a difference a simple piece of technology can make!
