Friday, December 7, 2012

Reflection #12

Last week I went to go pick up the girl I nanny from her after school art program. I went into their classroom to get her attention, but as I walked in I was completely shocked. They were all sitting in table groups on their own iPads. I asked Hannah on the way home what they were doing on them, and she told me they were doing art. Occasionally they will do art by hand, but most of the time they do iPad art. She was talking about it like it was completely normal and of course they would be using iPads. I’m sure there are some really cool projects they do with graphic design, but I also feel like 8 year olds should be moving around and making art projects with their own hands, not virtually with their index fingers.

1 comment:

  1. I agree; 8 year olds should be making "real" art projects. They should be painting and cutting and getting messy. Plus, staring at computer screens is hard on your eyes and I'm sure they get enough "screen time" at home.
