Monday, December 10, 2012

Week #16

Before I took this class, I thought that using technology in education was fairly limited to using the smartboard and document camera. I never realized how many opportunities there were to integrate technology into our lessons, even if it is only in a small way. Being able to use technology in the classroom not only helps to streamline content and allow us as teachers to differentiate our learning to more of our students, but it also holds the attention of our students better. I didn't realize how much education has changed even in the 4 years that I have been out of high school and the shift that classrooms are making to incorporate more and more technology in the classroom.
On a more personal level, before I took this class, I hated technology and didn't like using it. Technology still frustrates me from time to time, and there are days when I want to throw my laptop across a room. But now I realize that technology isn't something I should be afraid of or avoid. Throughout the semester, I have managed to keep a blog as well as learn several new technology tools, such as google earth, flipsnack, storybird, and smart exchange. I guess I'm not as technologically challenged as I used to believe, which is encouraging considering how much I will have to use it in my classroom.

I feel like I have become familiar with all the NETS and used a lot of them. The one I chose to focus on primarily this semester has been
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning

and Creativity

Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter,

teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate

experiences that advance student learning,

creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face

and virtual environments.

Throughout this semester I have been able to apply this by using technology in lesson plans for this class as well as other classes. Using some of the technology I have learned in this class I have been able to adapt my teaching to help my students learn more effectively. I'm looking forward to being able to continue to work on this as well as the other NETS once I have my own classroom.


  1. I believe that is an excellent NET to use for reference and ties in well with the technology we utilized throughout the semester. Students will be more engaged and more effectively learn through appropriately used technology discussed in this course.

  2. I agree that this class has made those of us who felt they were technologically challenged more confident to go out there and brave the internet! It also has opened our eyes to the endless amounts of technology and programs we can use in our future classrooms!
